
Two's Class

Ruby Class ( 2 - 3 Years)

Our Warm, Friendly Environment is Full of Love And Hugs for Your Child

Secure, Supported, And Loved
Your child will enjoy a positive educational experience, and gain confidence while feeling safe and supported. They’ll be comfortable in a small class setting, with two caring and qualified teachers, helping them to learn and grow. Your child will learn how to identify & self regulate their emotions in a healthy, engaged way.

Igniting Imagination And Bright Thinking
In a playful safe environment, your little tot will learn to do more on their own as we gently guide them towards independence. We help them with their day-to-day skills, focusing on language and building their budding vocabulary. They’ll learn: - Pre-handwriting skills such as establishing a strong pincer grasp - The value of books and reading to build their vocabulary, to increase their literacy skills and expose them to new ideas, - Early math concepts and science experiments - To expand their social skills and sense of community through play.

Invigorating Learning And Play
Playing with friends in our big beautiful playground and under our large covered structure will be a daily delight for your child. You’ll get notes every day on how their day went, and a newsletter every Friday full of pictures from their week of learning. We keep their schedule easy and predictable so that they feel safe and secure every day.