
Three's Class

Pearl Class (3 -4 years)

Our Warm,Friendly Environment is Full of Love And Hugs for Your Child

A well-balanced and solid foundation for school
“Team Teaching” means double the learning opportunities for your child, with two highly specialized teachers per class. A fun, interactive curriculum using puppets and ingenious activities awaits your curious little one. Your child will be building on this knowledge when they enter the Pre-K class the following year. They’ll learn: Pre-reading skills that will help build the phonemic awareness skills necessary to successfully transition to Kindergarten level reading. Upper and lower case recognition through the use of Letter people puppet play. Since each puppet has its own attributes, for example: Mr. M has a Munchy Mouth and Mr. N has a Noisy Nose, learning about letters and their sounds becomes more meaningful and memorable. They will also receive a helpful take-home card that corresponds with the “Letter Person of the Week” to continue this dynamic learning at home. Math concepts and vocabulary through hands-on learning activities and games To expand their curiosity and critical thinking abilities while experiencing science phenomena. To develop coordination, control and muscle strength in their hands. This will enable them to hold a pencil correctly and build up their writing stamina..

Gaining Positive Pro-Social Skills
Your little one is expanding their social skills and sense of community. We teach them how to identify and name their feelings, while managing their emotions in a healthy way. Learning courtesy, inclusivity, empathy and more, they are finding their place and their voice.

A Happy, Healthy Environment
As your little one prepares for school we guide them with self-help and independence skills as well as lesson plans that are provided each month. Your child’s routine makes them feel secure and nurtured, and our beautiful big playground is the perfect place for them to let loose.