
Our Nursury


Diamond Class (0 -2 years)

Infant Day Care Program
Where every child’s journey begins!

Uncompromised Health and Safety Standards
We follow strict guidelines to ensure your child’s health, safety, and security. From the secured sign in-out every day process with code protected school entry we ensure safety and security is maintained in the setting. We use professional staff for thorough cleaning and sanitizing the campus, to ensure the infants are always in a safe and clean environment. We know you are curious about your baby, and we make an effort to make the experience as smooth and easy for you to stay up to date with your child throughout the day. We inform parents of development milestones and make it easy for you to communicate with primary caregivers and staff members.

Organized Program for Early Childhood Development
During the infant's first year we focus on the development of their motor skills, language learning and interaction abilities, and overall cognitive skills. Our infant play areas give a safe and nurturing environment to stretch their bodies and brains for future learning. Continually supervised by a trained staff, our rooms are meticulously clean and soft for the most sensitive little hands and feet. Parents can be confident that our exceptional caregivers provide a secure, caring environment for their little ones that promotes their growth and development. Our teachers learn your child’s routines and temperament and develop relationships with each child. We understand the importance of a positive child-caregiver bond. Team members are certified in CPR and first aid to monitor the health and safety of each child.

Loving and Homelike Environment
Our infant daycare program starts at approximately 6 weeks old and provides care over the child’s first 24 months. Infant classrooms are thoughtfully planned and prepared to ensure a homelike environment. Built purposefully around child’s safety and facilitates an environment to safely explore and learn through discovery. The infant program is aimed to help babies develop social interaction, emotional development, communication skills, body awareness, and motor control. The program teaches baby sign language to infants, alleviating frustration while the child develops speech abilities. We inform parents of milestones as they occur, so you don’t miss significant developmental moments.

Ruby Class ( 2 - 3 Years)

Two's Class.
Our Warm, Friendly Environment is Full of Love And Hugs for Your Child

Secure, Supported, And Loved
Your child will enjoy a positive educational experience, and gain confidence while feeling safe and supported. They’ll be comfortable in a small class setting, with two caring and qualified teachers, helping them to learn and grow. Your child will learn how to identify & self regulate their emotions in a healthy, engaged way.

Igniting Imagination And Bright Thinking
In a playful safe environment, your little tot will learn to do more on their own as we gently guide them towards independence. We help them with their day-to-day skills, focusing on language and building their budding vocabulary. They’ll learn: - Pre-handwriting skills such as establishing a strong pincer grasp - The value of books and reading to build their vocabulary, to increase their literacy skills and expose them to new ideas, - Early math concepts and science experiments - To expand their social skills and sense of community through play.

Invigorating Learning And Play
Playing with friends in our big beautiful playground and under our large covered structure will be a daily delight for your child. You’ll get notes every day on how their day went, and a newsletter every Friday full of pictures from their week of learning. We keep their schedule easy and predictable so that they feel safe and secure every day.

Pearl Class (3 -4 years)

Three's Class.
Our Warm,Friendly Environment is Full of Love And Hugs for Your Child

A well-balanced and solid foundation for school
“Team Teaching” means double the learning opportunities for your child, with two highly specialized teachers per class. A fun, interactive curriculum using puppets and ingenious activities awaits your curious little one. Your child will be building on this knowledge when they enter the Pre-K class the following year. They’ll learn: Pre-reading skills that will help build the phonemic awareness skills necessary to successfully transition to Kindergarten level reading. Upper and lower case recognition through the use of Letter people puppet play. Since each puppet has its own attributes, for example: Mr. M has a Munchy Mouth and Mr. N has a Noisy Nose, learning about letters and their sounds becomes more meaningful and memorable. They will also receive a helpful take-home card that corresponds with the “Letter Person of the Week” to continue this dynamic learning at home. Math concepts and vocabulary through hands-on learning activities and games To expand their curiosity and critical thinking abilities while experiencing science phenomena. To develop coordination, control and muscle strength in their hands. This will enable them to hold a pencil correctly and build up their writing stamina..

Gaining Positive Pro-Social Skills
Your little one is expanding their social skills and sense of community. We teach them how to identify and name their feelings, while managing their emotions in a healthy way. Learning courtesy, inclusivity, empathy and more, they are finding their place and their voice.

A Happy, Healthy Environment
As your little one prepares for school we guide them with self-help and independence skills as well as lesson plans that are provided each month. Your child’s routine makes them feel secure and nurtured, and our beautiful big playground is the perfect place for them to let loose.

Emerald Class (4- 5 Years)

Pre-J Class.
Our Warm,Friendly Environment is Full of Love And Hugs for Your Child

Personalized Attention Builds a Solid Academic Foundation
Each child is unique and requires a little extra help in certain areas. We individualize our high quality Kindergarten level programs to ensure your child builds a solid foundation for school. Two exceptional teachers coach your little one who is now well on they’re way to Kindergarten. They’ll learn: Reading, writing, and listening skills Letter stroke patterns starting with the letters of C, O, and G To complete individual letter books that they then get to keep Writing skills that they practice every day: letter formation as well as phonemic writing in their journals Handwriting skills such as building stamina, control, and muscle strength in their hands Concepts that will help them have strong math skills for Kindergarten How to follow-up kinesthetic activities with a worksheet, just like in Kindergarten Science vocabulary like” hypothesis” and what that means when conducting experiments About systems found in the Human Body, Life Cycles, and the Solar System.

Cooperation and Long-Lasting Social Skills
It’s the simple things – like taking turns in cooperative play- that will allow your little one to feel happy and secure. Imagine your child’s confidence when they see their teachers as coaches, understand their own uniqueness and happily explore diversity within their community.

Ready for Reception
Kids feel safe & secure with a familiar routine and enjoy their predictable Pre-K schedule. Yet they absolutely delight in the fun surprises, like meeting an Olympic athlete or having a visit from the Fire Dept., that we blend into their day-to-day. Your child will know exactly what to expect in Kindergarten, and will be sure to shine